Hi There!

Thanks for checking out our website. I’m Joshua Waddington, Head Tutor here at Coastal Coding, and I’m passionate about teaching Computer Coding/Programming.

I’ve worked as an engineer making Virtual Reality Equipment and Simulations, have a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science and have 6 years of teaching School Students to University Students. My passion for teaching and coding has led to Coastal Coding, which is my way of combining my skills into something I love to do. I’m thrilled to see kids getting excited by things they can do and build through the camps I’m offering, and can’t wait to do even more in 2019.

Signing up to a coding course with Coastal Coding is more than just keeping your child entertained for a few days. It’s giving them the absolutely crucial programming skills to survive in the 21st century. Ask anyone, or even google it, computer coding is the skill to have in today’s world. We have a facebook page where we regularly post about new courses, offers, and computer-related stuff so if you would like to stay informed, please give us a like.

Thanks for reading!

Joshua Waddington